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Facilities Manager Magazine

Current Issue: January/February 2008
Volume 24, Number 1
The Lab of the Future

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From the Editor
by Steve Glazner

Facilities Digest
by Kisha D. DeSandies

Coming Events

Regional Reports
by Various Authors

Executive Summary
Lessons Learned from the Giant Sequoia Trees
by E. Lander Medlin

Membership Matters
Extreme Website Makeover
by Norm Young and Leslie Young

Code Talkers
Glidepath to Compliance: Managing the Regulatory Risk/Return Trajectory in Educational Facility Enterprises
by Michael A. Anthony, P.E. and Richard Aaron, Esq.

Facility Asset Management
by Greg Cmar, Bill Gnerre, and Kevin Fuller

The Bookshelf
by Theodore J. Weidner, Ph.D., P.E., AIA, book review editor

New Products

Index of Advertisers