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APPA Library

The APPA Library is a searchable resource of information about facilities management in colleges, universities, schools and school districts, and other educational institutions. Resources include articles from Facilities Manager magazine, proceedings of APPA’s annual conferences, books, monographs, surveys, reports, and other print and electronic material.

Results from your search of the APPA Library may be as brief as a bibliographic citation, or it may include a full description of the material and a link to the full text in HTML or PDF format.

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Search hints: Enter information in any of the fields you wish to search for. Selecting an "and" field search logic will find those entries that have ALL of the criteria you entered in that field. Selecting an "or" field search logic will find those enteries that have ANY of the criteria you entered in that field.

You may add comma-delimited entries in any of the fields to search for ANY of the listed words in that field. Keyword searches will search all database fields for those keywords.

Entries into more than one field will results in the criteria being narrowed to meet the requirements in all fields entered.