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Facilities Manager Magazine

Current Issue: November/December 2007
Volume 23, Number 6
Deferred Maintenance Reporting Made Easy

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From the Editor
by Steve Glazner

by Kisha D. DeSandies

Executive Summary
Thought Leaders Examine Facilities Management Concerns
by E. Lander Medlin

Code Talkers
Implementing a Cleaning and Maintenance Standard
by Daniel S. Wagner

Membership Matters
Seven Ways to Practice Multicultural Leadership
by Juana Bordas

Knowledge Builders
Correlating Facilities Impact Study with FPI Data
by Gary L. Reynolds

Facility Asset Management
Why our CMMS Isn't Living up to Expectations
by Matt Adams, P.E.

The Bookshelf
by Theodore J. Weidner, PH.D., P.E., AIA

New Products
by Gerry Van Treeck

Coming Events
by Various Authors