"President Christopher K. Ahoy Embodies Internationalism, Diversity, and Quality"
Author: Thaler-Carter, Ruth E.
Published In: Facilities Manager
Date: September/October 2006
Profile of the 2006-07 APPA President, Chris Ahoy, associate vice president for facilities planning and management at Iowa State University in Ames. Describes his upbringing, including his birth in India as a fourth generation Chinese and childhood in the small Himalayan town of Kalimpong. Reviews his educational background, including attendance at the Indian Institute of Technology and Univeristy of California-Berkeley, where he studied architecture. Describes his professional career which has included work at architectural firms and in facilities management at UC-Berkeley, University of Alaska, UC-San Francisco, University of Nebraska, and Iowa State University. Covers his APPA involvement and presidential plans for APPA, including making the association more inclusive, global, and diverse. Includes photos of Ahoy.
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