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Facilities Manager Magazine

Current Issue: Spring 1994
Volume 10, Number 2
Developing a Model for Statewide Facilities Funding

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Statewide Facilities Funding: Arkansas Develops a Model
by Joan C. Leotta

APPA Annual Meeting Preview

The Make-or-Buy Decision: The Organization of U.S. Campus Plant Operations
by Malcom Getz/Jon M. Gullette/Diane E. Kilpatrick & John J. Siefgried

Formalizing Professional Conduct for Construction Contractors and Workers
by Sigmund G. Ginsburg

Integrated Pest Management for Facilities
by Arthur J. Slater, BCE

Pueblo's Facilities Support Partnership: A University and a School District Manage Change
by Ed Smith


From the Editor
by Steve Glazner

by E. Diane Kerby/Walter A. Schaw, Ph.D./Fred Klee/Robyn Hansen

Capital Notes
Capitol Notes
by Barbara Hirsch

Focus on Management
by H. Val Peterson

Data Base Update
Database Updates
by Howard Millman

The Bookshelf
by David Mayocchi/Clayton E. Shelter

Coming Events

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