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Facilities Manager Magazine

Current Issue: Fall 1993
Volume 9, Number 4
Diane Kerby: The Southern Style of APPA's new president

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The Southern Style of APPA's New President: Diane Kerby
by Pauline O. Hovey

Strengthening the Role of Facilities Management in a Small Institution
by Keith H. Lovin

Learning from Success and Failure in Quality Management
by J. T. Petillo

Facilities Networking Through the Internet
by Jayne Levin

Miami University Recyles!
by Stephen K. Gaski


From the Editor
by Steve Glazner


Capital Notes
by Barbara Hirsch

Focus on Management
by Sigmund G. Ginsburg

by Alan L. Ingle, Ed.D.

Data Base Update
by Howard Millman

The Bookshelf
by John M. Casey

Coming Events

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