Current Issue: September/October 1998
Volume 14, Number 5
A Profile of Joe Spoonemore

Enhancing Communication: A Profile of Joe Spoonemore
by Alan L. Dessoff
Does APPA Belong in K-12? You Bet it Does!
by Ed Smith
The K-12 Initiative: Expanding the APPA Resources to Meet 21st Century Needs
by David Petersen, CFM, Ph.D. and Lorenz Schoff, P.E.
Benchmarking and Sharing of Best Practices: A Vital K-12 Resource
by Don Briselden, P.E.
A K-16 Network—Is it Possible?
by Joe Bolton
Task Force Sponsorship Provides Learning Opportunity
by Robert Lange
Y2K Embedded Base Systems: Will It Become Your Nightmare?
by Charles A. Sippial Sr.
The Bookshelf
Reviewed in This Issue
by Book review editor: John M. Casey, P.E.