Current Issue: March/April 1999
Volume 15, Number 2
Preparing Your Utilities Strategy

Utility Management in the 21st Century: Challenges and Opportunities
by Thomas L. Schubbe
Energy Equity Lost and Found: Rebuilding America's K-12 Schools
by Lornez Schoff
Utilities Metering and Measurement
by Mohammad H. Qayoumi, Ph.D.
Electric Deregulation: Don't Get the Cart Before the Horse
by Stratton C. Schaeffer, P.E.
The M-Quality Journey
by James E. Christenson, P.E.
My Australian Adventure
by Margaret P. Kinnaman
Executive Summary
Setting a Course for Resource Reallocation--Utilities Strategic Assessment (RR-USA)
by E. Lander Medlin
The Bookshelf
Reviewed in This Issue
by Book Review Editor: John M. Casey, P.E.