Current Issue: July/August 2000
Volume 16, Number 4
APPA 2000: Spurring Change

It Takes a Revolution — A Case Study of Facilities Service Improvements at UCSB
by David Gonzales
Putting the BAM! in SAM: Recipes for Performance Excellence
by Tom Harkenrider
Raising the Bar with Trades Staffing Guidelines
by Theodore J. Weidner, Ph.D., P.E., AIA
Developing Relationships in Spite of Technology
by Fred Gratto
Improving Indoor Air Quality in St. Cloud Schools
by Mike Forer and El Haus
Pursuing the CGM: The PGMS Certified Grounds Manager Program
by George Van Haasteren, CGM
Facility Asset Management
New Trends in Facility Asset Management
by Matt Adams, P.E.
The Regulatory Reporter:
Preparing for an EPA Inspection and Avoiding Common Mistakes
by Santo Manicone
The Bookshelf
Reviewed in This Issue
by Book Review Editor: John M. Casey, P.E.