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Facilities Manager Magazine

Facilities Manager Mar/Apr 2005
Current Issue: March/April 2005
Volume 21, Number 2
Design and Construction Standards

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From the Editor
Facilities Manager Reaches 20 Years

by Betsy Colgan

Executive Summary
Facilities: A Strategic Investment
by E. Lander Medlin

Code Talkers
News Flash on Flash Protection
by Michael A. Anthony, P.E.

Membership Matters
Historically Black Colleges and Universities: Who Are They?
by Sam Polk Sr., Ph.D.

Facility Asset Management
The Link between Construction and Maintenance
by Matt Adams, P.E. and Mark Wantage, P.E.

The Bookshelf
by Theodore J. Weidner, Ph.D., P.E., AIA

New Products
New Prodcuts

Coming Events