Current Issue: September/October 2002
Volume 18, Number 5
Planning, Design & Construction

Phil takes on APPA presidency with energy, experience, and commitment
by Ruth E. Thaler-Carter
Who PAYS for the Architect's MISTAKES
by Donald Guckert and Jeri Ripley King
Facility Master Plans: An Essential First Step in the Building Development Process
by Wendell E. Wickerham, AIA
A Systematic Approach to Evaluating the Building Envelope
by Jon F. Lindberg, P.E., Edward J. Stewart, RRC, and David A. Morand, P.E.
Building A Better Campus
by Michael J. Madden, P.E.
Financing Solutions for FISCAL STRESS:
by Greg Eden
Membership Matters
Center for Facilities Research (CFaR)-Opening New Opportunities
by Rod Rose
Executive Summary
Reflections on the Forum - Rising to the Challenge
by E. Lander Medlin
Field Notes
Leadership and the Issue of Trust
by James E. Christenson
Facility Asset Management
Facilities Managament in Lebanon
by Matt Adams, P.E.
The Bookshelf
-The Skeptical Environmentalist
-Sustainable Design
by Book Review Editor: Theodore J. Weidner, Ph.D., P.E., AIA