"A Green Building--The Good, the Bad, the Neutral"
Author: McDermott, Richard L.,
Published In: Facilities Manager
Date: July/August 2010
In 2010, it's good to be Green. In the stampede to sustainable design, there are probably some Green features that have not received a lot of scrutiny, and some that may not apply to all projects. The author happens to have joined an institution with one of the larger Green office/classrooms buildings in the U.S. The University of Texas Health Science Center--Houston School of Nursing (SON) building in the Texas Medical Center is a U.S. Green Building Council Gold Level LEED award winner. The SON has been in operation for about five years. It's easy enough to measure how well this Green Building is performing. In this article, the author describes the School of Nursing building which shed some light on which features are good, which are bad, and which didn't make a whole lot of difference.
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