"The APPA Journey and RMA Fourteeners Club"
Author: Morris, John P.,
Published In: Facilities Manager
Date: May/June 2012
The APPA journey represents a continuum through one's career in educational facilities management. Early in one's career, APPA can assist with professional development such as the Facilities Drive-In Workshop, the Supervisor's Toolkit, the APPA Institute for Facilities Management, and the APPA Leadership Academy. APPA provides for both international and regional networking, and also offers an opportunity for credentialing with the Educational Facilities Professional (EFP) and the Certified Educational Facilities Professional (CEFP). The Rocky Mountain region of APPA has developed a mentoring program that complements the APPA journey, called the Fourteeners Club. The RMA Fourteeners Club program is a model program for promoting recognition and mentoring opportunities and complements the APPA journey. Although unique to the Rocky Mountain APPA region, the potential exists for adopting a similar program within each of the other APPA regions, and easily modified to represent a theme that is familiar to each APPA region or chapter.
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