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"Blueprint for Safer Campuses"
Author: Thrower, Raymond H.,Healy, Steven J.,Lynch, Michael,Margolis, Gary J.,Stafford, Dolores,Taylor, William,
Published In: Facilities Manager
Date: January/February 2009

The impact of the rampage shootings at Virginia Tech on April 16, 2007 continues to be felt across the U.S. and the world. Clearly this incident, along with other active shooter incidents that have occurred since the Virginia Tech tragedy, has impacted one's awareness of campus safety and security. A number of states, other governmental entities, and non-governmental organizations have convened groups to examine the lessons learned from the tragedy at Virginia Tech and other aspects of campus safety. In August 2007, the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators (IACLEA) sought to develop a set of recommendations for institutions of higher education through a public safety lens. While there are many recommendations that arise from these lessons learned for each of the disciplines that bring to bear expertise, IACLEA has identified 20 specific recommendations. They represent priorities for the betterment of campus safety and reinforce key goals and objectives in mitigating and responding to threats at institutions of higher education. They are not designed to be all inclusive, but do represent emerging best and promising practices which institutions should consider now and implement when possible.

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