"Life Cycle Costing: Getting Approval for the Budget You Need"
Author: Heidler, Clare D.
Published In: Proceedings of the 1994 Educational Conference
Date: 1994
Presentation at the 81st Annual Meeting in San Antonio, Texas. Life cycle costing provides an excellent means of evaluating construction, maintenance, operations, and renewal of physical plant resources in a value added context that accurately accounts for all costs related to providing those services. Explains and employs a combination of life cycle costing and computer spreadsheeet techniques to develop a costing procedure for evaluating the initial, annual, and longv-term costs of constructing, operating, maintaining, and eventually renewing a facility. Covers importance of life cycling, process of developing life cycle costs, applying life cycle costing to older facilities, data sources and calculations for annual custodial and utilities costs, life cycling for budgeting purposes, spreadsheet analyses. Includes appendices.
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