"Resolution of Disputes--The Next Generation"
Author: Zack, James G., Jr.
Published In: Proceedings of the 1998 Educational Conference
Date: 1998
Presentation at APPA's 85th Annual Meeting in San Jose, California. Because construction industry disputes are often complex, making it difficult to present issues clearly to a non-technical judge and jury, the industry has developed alternative means of resolving disputes. Identifies and discusses 19 forms of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) and their advantages and disadvantages. Includes escrow bid documents, neutral adviser, owner/agency review boards, mediation, dispute review boards, mediation/arbitration, arbitration panel, advisory arbitration, single arbitrator, shadow mediation, rent-a-judge/private judge, mini-trial, summary jury trial, voluntary settlement converence, special masters/settlement judge, court appointed experts, judge pro tem, and trial by reference or referee. Includes references.
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