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SPECIAL DISCOUNT! Environmental Sustainability

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SPECIAL DISCOUNT! Environmental SustainabilitySPECIAL DISCOUNT! Environmental Sustainability.
Price:$ 24.00 (Member Price: $ 16.00)
Date Published:01/01/2014
Cover type:Softcover
No of Pages:96

Critical Issues in Facilities Management Series

Environmental Sustainability is an anthology of 14 chapters and an extensive resource list on topics related to campus sustainability and environmental stewardship. 

* Sustainability and Higher Education, A [Hypothetical] Love Story, by Lindsay Wagner
* Cool Campuses?!, by Walter Simpson
* Integrating Sustainability Programs, by Susan Buchanan
* Facility Management's Role in Organizational Sustainability, by Gregory K. Adams
* Facilities Management Strategies for Green Buildings, by Jerry J. DeSantis
* The Value of Sustainability Communications Strategies in Achieving Facilities Goals, by Davis Bookhart & Ed Kirk
* Green Schools for Everyone Within This Generation, by Jaime van Mourik
* ESAT Under the Hood, by Jiri Skopek
* Award-Winning Sustainability Outreach Programs, compiled by Steve Glazner
* Innovation and Collaboration are Key to Campus Water Management, by Ruth Thaler-Carter
* Net Zero and Geothermal: New Outlooks, by Paul Ormond & Paul Russell
* Green Efforts at Cleveland State Community College, by Tommy Wright
* HACC Forms Biomass Gasification Research Partnership, by Joseph R. Wojtysiak & David Mooney
* North Shore's Zero Net Energy Building, by Linda Brantley
* Bibliography and Other Resources

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