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APPA Facilities Informatics Maturity Matrix Technical Report

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APPA Facilities Informatics Maturity Matrix Technical ReportAPPA Facilities Informatics Maturity Matrix Technical Report.
Price:$ 0.00 (Member Price: $ 0.00)
Date Published:06/30/2016
Cover type:PDF
No of Pages:16

What then do we mean by Facilities Informatics? Facilities Informatics is the intersection of facilities, information technology, and management practices to achieve better facilities operations and an improved built environment. Facilities Informatics involves the application of information technology to facilitate the creation and subsequent use of facilities-related data, information, and knowledge. Facilities Informatics enables and supports efficient and effective facilities services.

Some examples of facilities informatics applications include the design, development, implementation, maintenance, and evaluation of:

• communication protocols for the secure transmission of facilities data,

• electronic facilities record systems (regionally, provincially, territorially, or nationally),

• evidence-based decision support systems,

• classification systems using standardized terminology and coding,

• work management systems,

• facilities monitoring systems (e.g., computer controlled BAS/EMS systems),

• digital imaging and image processing systems,

• geospatial systems,

• telework and mobile technologies to facilitate and support remote diagnosis and treatment,

• Internet technology for engaging customers,

• methodologies and applications for data analysis, management, and mining,

• facilities information data warehouses and reporting systems,

• business, financial, support, and logistics systems,

• and more

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