"The Y Generation: They're Coming; Are We Ready?"
Author: Loy, Darcy,
Published In: Facilities Manager
Date: January/February 2010
This article discusses the Gen Yers--the Millennial Generation--who were born between 1980 and 2001. They are perceived as being the "I'm entitled to..." the "What's in it for me?" generation--the "trophy kids." They have been exposed to technology from birth: (1) e-mail; (2) IM; (3) the Web; (4) cell phones; (5) MySpace; (6) Facebook; and (7) text messaging. They are independent thinkers and have been raised to voice their ideas and opinions. They are "team" oriented; they should be, as organized play dates and extracurricular activities have been their norm. They are beginning to file through the doors of businesses across North America, bringing with them not only a new point of view and an entirely different set of expectations, but also challenges in regards to how they "fit" into the day-to-day operations. Are facilities management leaders ready for them? As leaders they must embrace this new generation. Even with their little quirks they are intelligent, talented individuals that bring a fresh perspective to the workforce. It is the facilities management leaders' job as leaders in facilities management to perceive the potential they bring to the table and capitalize on their skill sets. Gen Yers are needed in order to succeed in fulfilling the mission and vision that facilities management leaders have for their units that will result in efficient and competitive organizations. (Contains 5 notes.)
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