When one thinks about the quality of the built environment, one tends to think about the layout of the campus and the architecture of the individual buildings. To be sure, this is a significant aspect of the campus setting, but the issue of quality goes well beyond the mere matter of architectural design. The word "campus" derives from the Latin word for "field," indicating a concern with the area between the buildings and the interrelationship between them as opposed to the actual design of the buildings themselves. Over the years, the popular image conjured up by the word "campus" is one of green lawns and tall shade trees surrounding a series of buildings related to one another in a rational manner, all contributing to a harmonious and aesthetically pleasing environment.
An attractive environment can be created by careful attention to site design elements, even on an urban campus. However, no matter how great the architectural statements may be, if they are set in a dysfunctional environment, the overall result will be neither efficient nor pleasing. So it is as important to pay attention to the functional and non architectural elements of campus design as it is to the architecture of the individual buildings.
It is to these non architectural elements of campus design that this chapter is devoted. It attempts to provide the appropriate university decision makers with the information they need to direct the development and operation of a successful system of campus infrastructure. It identifies the issues to be considered when addressing the various areas discussed, and identifies the resources available to solve problems or to develop appropriate proposals for each element of campus infrastructure. The chapter does not attempt to recommend individually best solutions in each area, or to provide a design handbook for professionals undertaking the actual development of the various elements; there is no one right solution. Campuses vary in terms of climatic conditions, campus traditions, organizational patterns, and intellectual philosophies, and the right solution for one campus will not necessarily be the right solution for another. Options always exist, and the best one will vary from place to place. An understanding of the issues involved and the resources available should enable the decision maker to arrive at an intelligent and effective decision for each area that must be addressed.
The starting point for the development of any system of campus infrastructure should always be the master plan. This is the document that sets forth the basic guidelines for providing continuity in the overall development of the campus. Specific elements of campus infrastructure must be developed in a manner consistent with the overall objectives of the master plan if they are to contribute to the development of a coherent and operational campus.
However, the master plan usually provides only the basic framework and guidelines that must be followed in the development of a system of campus infrastructure; few master plans go into great detail on the design and selection of individual elements. Therefore, many individual decisions will have to be made in developing and implementing an efficient, functional system of campus infrastructure.
Some of those decisions will likely pertain to sustainable design, construction, and management practices. While many of the major factors are covered in the BOK chapters covering sustainability, there are many unique aspects, especially regarding landscape design, which should be understood when developing and implementing any plan. This chapter covers a broad range of topics and many of the basic issues that must be addressed. Since best practices in sustainability are constantly evolving, the reader should consult additional reference material before finalizing the infrastructure plan to make sure sustainability has been incorporated into the plan. A good source of such material is located at www.ncef.org/rl/landscape.cfm and additional sources are identified in the reference section. Some examples of such factors include:
• Water quality issues in storm water run-off
• The use and placement of alternative energy devices such as wind/solar panels or turbines
• Transportation alternatives involving people movers, light rail systems, walkability
• Chemical use in landscape and pest/rodent control
• Lighting and security design
Another important consideration is the location of the campus and its unique environment. Regional issues must be factored into decisions on the planning and design of the infrastructure. For example, snow removal/storage and ice control is important in some parts of the country, while earthquake design or flood protection is a major factor in other locations. Thus, utility tunnels might be an attractive alternative on one campus but impossible at another. Emergency preparedness in the design of the infrastructure is unique to the particular types of risks a campus might face. The location of cooling towers becomes a different issue for campuses in semi-tropical climes than ones in four-season areas of the country. The selection of hardy, low maintenance landscape materials is quite different depending on geographical location, as well as when it is an urban versus a rural campus. As a result, what is considered a best practice in one part of the country may be quite different in another. Proper consideration of every regional difference would require a book in itself, which is beyond the scope of this Body of Knowledge (BOK). Yet regional factors must be recognized and adopted into the infrastructure plan in order to ensure the campus will operate effectively and efficiently. A good source of regional design practices in through APPA’s regional and state chapters and peer reviews or networking on infrastructure plans is highly recommended.
Notwithstanding sustainability and regional factors, the following discussion seeks to identify the major areas of concern that must be faced, to outline some of the key issues relating to each particular area, and to identify resources available to develop appropriate solutions in each case.